SARS-CoV2 Spike Protein is a Toxin

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Robert W. Malone Factcheckers were wrong. People continue to suffer the consequences. First, a quick overview of the various “factchecking” organization statements. How many people developed brain damages or lost their life or that of a loved one because of accepting a vaccine based on the falsehoods propagated by these grossly unqualified “factcheckers”? Do they […]

What the Destruction of the Hippocratic Oath Means for Society

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Paul Oosterhuis The Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva are considered to be the professional ethics of those who practice medicine. However, why do some medical professionals forget their responsibility to save lives, when they see a patient in urgent need of treatment? 

International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaties – What Is the Deal?

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David Bell The World Health Organization (WHO) and its Member States, in concert with other international institutions, is proposing and currently negotiating two instruments to address pandemics and widely manage aspects of global public health. Both will significantly expand the international bureaucracy that has grown over the past decade to prepare for, or respond to, […]

Recently Published Study in Nature: The Deadliest Covid Comorbidity Is … ‘Severe Mental Illness and Learning Disability’

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Ashmedai Is this the smoking gun that proves hospital neglect and malfeasance were killing covid patients by the thousands? … It is plausible though that hospitals were systematically taking advantage of patients who were mentally incapacitated and therefore unable to either articulate refusal or resist being coerced (and even physically restrained) into accepting “treatment”.

Masks and Marketing in Medicine

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Pairodocs Whether masks or meds, beware when someone sells it to you by quoting relative risk reduction … A sales pitch that uses RRR is a red flag for scientifically literate docs. Salespeople prefer RRR because it sounds much more impressive than ARR.

Aerosols vs. Droplets

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Pairodocs Why should you care about the difference between an aerosol and a droplet? Because it’s affected your life for the last 2 years. A number of our public health dictats have been partially based on the difference.

The Importance of Focus

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Pairodocs … We don’t see what we don’t look for. A closely related issue is that of confirmation bias. We notice facts that support our worldview, and are blind to those that may shake our beliefs. It’s the way human brains are built. (Jonathan Haidt explains this wonderfully in videos, and in his books). This is […]