The Cult & the Sacrifice

herd of sheep on green grass field during daytime

Paul Bali Health by Hypnosis Milgram showed the majority’s extreme deference to a lab master “dressed in a gray technician’s coat”. [1] To the Dubious at the switch labelled DANGER: SEVERE SHOCK, Milgram’s master sternly warned “The Experiment requires you to continue.” Today’s dubious—those hesitant to mask up, to take the jab, to fire good employees—are told […]

What’s Wrong With Being Vaccine-smart?

Kevin Cheung, Laurent Leduc, Claus Rinner When you hear a gunshot, do you hide or do you go check it out? When you visit a destination in a seedy neighbourhood for the first time at night, do you take the longer road with street lights or a shortcut through a dark alley? When you see […]

Graphene Oxide/COVid-19 Connection: Transmission and Mitigation

Michael Roth The subject of this treatise deals with the inclusion of graphene oxide (GO) in the COVID-19 injection ingredients currently being administered by the hundreds of millions globally, its structure, intended purposes, transmission modes (vector and non-vector), and potential side-effects. In addition, we will address how to reduce, negate, and/or prevent the damaging effects […]

Canceling the Spike Protein: Striking Visual Evidence

red and black round fruits

Thomas E. Levy No issue in the history of medicine has been as strident and polarized as that of the risk/benefit profiles of the various COVID vaccines being administered around the world … The issue of greatest concern is whether that adverse event can be clinically resolved if not effectively prevented, and whether any long-term […]

The Public Health Prophet We Did Not Heed

grayscale photo of man walking on tunnel

Aaron Kheriaty Donald Henderson, who died in 2016, was a giant in the field of epidemiology and public health. He was also a man whose prophetic warnings from 2006 we chose to ignore in March of 2020 … Henderson and his colleagues concluded their review with this overriding principle of good public health: “Experience has […]

Distinct Immunological Signatures Discriminate Severe Covid-19 from Non-SARS-CoV-2-driven Critical Pneumonia

Stefanie Kreutmair, Susanne Unger, Nicolás Gonzalo Núñez, Michael Bitzer, Antoine Roquilly, Burkhard Becher  Distinct immunological signatures discriminate severe COVID-19 from non-SARS-CoV-2-driven critical pneumonia Immune profiling of COVID-19 patients has identified numerous alterations in both innate and adaptive immunity. However, whether those changes are specific to SARS-CoV-2 or driven by a general inflammatory response shared across […]