Pfizer Pfraud

black and white labeled bottle

James Roguski The information in this article was available to the Vaccine Advisory Committee before they made a decision. I pray that everyone reads this article and realizes the truth.

Are You Swimming in an Invisible Sea of EMFs? Here’s What to Do.

gray Nest thermostat displaying at 63

Joseph Mercola The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and controversy worldwide. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily. You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too. Most of the radiation emits […]

Stabilising the Code

Mike Williams In life and in science, changes have consequences. With hindsight, the bad ones are easy to see, some may argue. But when we examine the natural consequences of changes in the arena of Covid vaccine science, one might be forgiven for asking: surely someone must have cautioned against doing that? Of course it […]

Self-reported Outcomes, Choices and Discrimination Among a Global COVID-19 Unvaccinated Cohort

Person Holding Syringe

Robert Verkerk, Christof Plothe, Naseeba Kathrada, Katarina Lindley … a UK citizen-led cooperative, the Control Group Cooperative (CGC) (, was formed in July 2021 to represent the interests of individuals and families around the world who have chosen to not receive COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’ Among the aims of the CGC is to evaluate long-term health outcomes […]

Nuclear Energy and Society, Radiation and Life – the Evidence

Wade Allison The most effective source of carbon-free energy available on a large scale is nuclear and thiswould be accepted but for the general view that it is particularly dangerous. The scientificevidence does not support this long-held apprehension. Why has this contradiction persistedfor so long and why is nuclear power apparently so expensive? The evidence […]