MMR Vaccination and Autism

woman hugging boy on her lap

Andrew J. Wakefield Hypothesis testing and presentation of the outcome—either positive or negative—is a fundamental part of the scientific process. Accordingly we have published studies that both do, and do not support a role for measles virus in chronic intestinal inflammation: this is called integrity. The latest of these studies was strongly positive, and was accepted by the […]

Protection and Waning of Natural and Hybrid Immunity to SARS-CoV-2

Close-Up Shot of a Covid Vaccine

Yair Goldberg et al. Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) provides natural immunity against reinfection. Recent studies have shown waning of the immunity provided by the BNT162b2 vaccine. The time course of natural and hybrid immunity is unknown.

The Emergence of Neo-Fascism in Public Health

brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime

David Bell … The societal changes of the past two years have been defined by, and led by, ‘public health.’ So it is right to look for public health analogies in the past to help understand what is happening, what the drivers are, and where they might lead. We have witnessed our public health professions […]

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was a Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

Michel Chossudovsky Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which was implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020. It’s the destruction of people’s lives. It is the destabilization of […]

“Covid Arm”” Abnormal Side Effect After Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

Vincenzo Picone, Fabrizio Martora, Gabriella Fabbrocini, Laura Marano Both of them (Pfizer and Moderna) can be associated with cutaneous adverse effects. Several cutaneous reactions to Moderna (83%) or Pfizer (17%) COVID-19 vaccines were reported by McMahon et al. for 414 unique patients. The most common cutaneous reaction was delayed large local reaction, followed by local […]

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Following COVID-19 Vaccination

man in black crew neck shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses

Chariene Jane Woo, Oscar Hou In Chou, Bernard Man Yung Cheung RHS is rare for patients under 60 years old with no previous history of HZ. Therefore, COVID-19 vaccination was likely to be the stress causing reactivation of VZV. What we have described is rare, and may be the missing link between COVID-19 vaccination and […]