Let’s Tag Team This Until Everybody Understands: The Modified Spike Protein is Dangerous and For Very Specific Reasons

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Jessica Rose There’s an article that was published yesterday… [that] confirms that the structures inducing arterial embolisms in post-injected individuals are not blood clots … I think we are dealing with a devilishly insipid hand-crafted (modified) RNA whose protein by-products (that appear to be multi-dimensional), following either translation, or digestion for MHC presentation, are amyloidogenic. Clinical presentation […]

RSFIEDLLFNKV … Are We Looking at Weaponized Amyloidosis?

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Jessica Rose … the number of Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD)/prion disease reports in VAERS since the deployment of the COVID-19 injections has far surpassed the background rate for the U.S. for the year … A series of experiments were done using a coronavirus spike-derived peptide RSAIEDLLFDK(V). They found that this coronavirus spike peptide has really interesting […]

Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein

Valeria Casteletto, Ian W. Hamley Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein We demonstrate that a conserved coronavirus spike protein peptide forms amyloid structures, differing from the native helical conformation and not predicted by amyloid aggregation algorithms. We investigate the conformation and aggregation of peptide RSAIEDLLFDKV, which is a […]

Severe COVID, Long COVID, and Spike-protein Induced Systemic Amyloidosis as an Autocatalytic Reaction: It is Not a Question of Amyloid or Prion, It is Dependent on the Rate of Protein Autocatalysis and the Host’s Ability to Contain it – The Spike Protein as Novel “Prioloid”

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Walter M. Chestnut … the Spike Protein behaves as BOTH A PRION AND AN AMYLOID! A TALE OF TWO RACES: THE BODY VS A VIRAL INFECTION, THE BODY VS A SECONDARILY INDUCED PROTEINACEOUS INFECTION The “doses” are being repeatedly given. Over and over. Infection. Transfection. Who among us can halt the “autocatalytic turnover of the […]

Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report

World Council For Health This report was prepared by the World Council for Health (WCH). The report was prepared to determine whether sufficient pharmacovigilance data exists on WHO VigiAccess, CDC VAERS, EudraVigilance, and UK Yellow Card Scheme to establish a safety signal on Covid-19 vaccines.  These databases are not normally used to establish the safety […]

Electromagnetic Effects on Mitochondria

Stop5G.cz Anytime you have the movement of charged particles you create an electromagnetic field. People don’t realize that electromagnetism is the foundation of life, it’s what controls biochemistry. Imagine going into a room where you hear every kind of music being played really loudly, you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself or communicate with other […]

What Explains Rising Cases Among the Vaccinated?

Mike Williams In a prior article, this author has covered how mRNA Covid vaccine has been demonstrated to alter the function of toll-like receptors (TLRs). It was hypothesised that the functional change may be connected to anecdotal reports of both an increase and change in cancer presentation. In addition, because of the importance of TLRs […]