Let the EVIDENCE Speak: Did Vaccines Save Us?

Vax Info Start Here There is a perception out there that vaccines saved us from the deadly diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries. But did they? Please review the evidence below. You will see that in developed nations, mortality from these diseases declined dramatically before  vaccines came in, with the trend heading downward (smallpox and polio […]

EU Regulators ‘Dismissed Evidence’ Linking Glyphosate to Rodent Tumours

Arthur Neslen EU regulators dismissed key scientific evidence linking glyphosate to rodent tumours in a positive assessment they gave for continued sales of the substance last week, according to a new report by environmental campaigners. Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used weedkiller and its EU relicensing has become a touchstone in a wider battle between environmentalists and agribusiness over the […]

Neurotoxic Pesticides Disrupt Gut Microbiome, Increase Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Beyond Pesticides A study published in The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology finds environmental exposure to neurotoxic pesticides increases Parkinson’s Disease (PD) risk through gastrointestinal (GI) disruption. Research finds exposure to chemical toxicants, like pesticides, can cause neurotoxic effects or exacerbate preexisting chemical damage to the nervous system. Although the mechanism by which […]

Wearing a Mask During Indoor Exercise Can Be Fatal

woman in black tank top and black leggings sitting on exercise equipment

Carla Peeters A recent article from the Technical University of Munich published in PNAS reached national newspapers in several countries worldwide. The team showed that aerosol emissions increase exponentially with intense physical exertion, indicating that indoor sporting activities result in higher risk of infectious diseases as COVID. The authors suggested the use of face masks, […]

The Antibody Deception

Brandon Turbeville Over the last several years, more and more people have become aware of the enormous dangers of vaccination. This is due, in large part, to the tireless work of a number of researchers and activists who have pointed out the horrific side effects attached to the use of toxic vaccine ingredients such as aluminum, polysorbate […]

Why People Are Sick and What Can Be Done About It

person in blue denim jeans sitting on white flower field during daytime

Jagannath Chatterjee We observe a world full of suffering populations. Disease has engulfed society. Chronic diseases have reached a peak. People suffer from not just one but multiple illnesses. Even small children are not spared. The joy of life, once the birth right of beings, has been replaced by the pain of having to carry […]

Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals

Alliance for Natural Health International There have been very few studies looking at how those who’ve elected to rely on natural immunity and natural products, as compared with those who’ve consented to COVID-19 genetic vaccines, the latter who may or may not have, also tried to optimize their immune systems, fare when it comes to COVID-19. […]