A Winding Tale of the WHO, Monkeypox, Jeffrey Sachs’ Turnaround, and One Health

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Meryl Nass The US state department drafted a dozen AMENDMENTS to an existing international health treaty that had been adopted in 2005, termed the International Health Regulations (IHR).  These US-drafted amendments would enable the WHO to assume control over the pandemic response to future pandemics on a worldwide basis … Concurrent with the presentation of […]

Stillbirths, Miscarriages and Abortions in Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Women

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Evidence from an Israeli hospital Josh Guetzkow Data from Rambam hospital in Haifa reveal a stillbirth, miscarriage and abortion (SBMA) rate of 6% among women who never received a COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 8% among women who were vaccinated with at least one dose (and never had a SARS-Cov-2 infection). That’s a statistically significant odds ratio of […]

Have No Fear of Your “Vaccinated” Friends’ Shedding the Spike!

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Marc Giradot A friend of mine in South Africa asked me to write this piece. Apparently, some of you are afraid to get contaminated by “vaccinated” shedding spike proteins. As you know by now, most current anti-COVID vaccines highjack healthy cells to produce large quantities of Spike proteins which is believed by many to be […]

Your Opinion is Requested

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James Roguski The WHO has broken its promise to hold a public comment session regarding their proposed pandemic treaty. 

The Loss of Trust Is Well Earned

Jeffrey A. Tucker Society is broken at many levels, and the economy too. We face a mental health crisis among young people following two years of unprecedented educational and social disruption. The highest inflation in most people’s lifetimes has people nearly panicked about the future, and that combines with strange and unpredictable shortages.  And we […]

A Literature Review and Meta-analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality II

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Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, Steve H. Hanke The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine the effect of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality based on available empirical evidence. Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI). We employ a systematic search and screening procedure in which 19,646 […]

Updated John Hopkins Study on Lockdowns Debunks the Fact Checkers

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Thorsteinn Siglaugsson Last January, the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise published a working paper which showed clearly how lockdowns across the world did not affect Covid-19 mortality at all. The paper, is written by economists Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve H. Hanke, now appearing in […]

How Bad Was It? Reflecting on the Last Two Years

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Rob Verkerk In the wake of the Better Way conference (/news/a-better-way-for-a-better-world-bath-2022/) in Bath (UK), it’s been nothing short of mind-blowing sharing time over the last two weeks with fellow activists for better health systems, if that’s how we should refer to what we’re trying to co-create. With some irony, it is the orchestrated, global deception […]