Adverse Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines and Measures to Prevent Them

Kenji Yamamoto Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, […]

“Monkeypox” is Only Circulating in Countries where the Population Have Been Given the Pfizer Vaccine & is being Used to Advance a Technocratic Great Reset

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The Exposé Since around the middle of May 2022, you will have most likely heard or seen the word Monkeypox mentioned numerous times in the mainstream media. Allegedly, for the first time since its discovery among humans in Africa over 50 years ago, the monkeypox virus is circulating throughout several countries including the USA, UK, […]

Glyphosate Fact Sheet: Cancer and Other Health Concerns

Green and Yellow Tractor on Dirt

Carey Gillam Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide patented in 1974 by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products, has been associated with cancer and other health concerns. Glyphosate is best known as the active ingredient in Roundup-branded herbicides, and the herbicide used with “Roundup Ready” genetically modi ed […]

‘Alarming’ Levels of 29 Chemicals Affecting Human Fertility Found in Men’s Urine Samples

Person Holding Clear Plastic Pack with Meat

Suzanne Burdick A study published last week in Environment International showed 29 endocrine disruptors — at levels more than 100-fold greater than acceptable exposure rates — in the urine samples of 98 Danish men. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that affect human fertility by disrupting the normal functioning of the endocrine system. … Bisphenol-A (BPA) stood […]

Why the Great Reset Food Strategy Includes Lab-Cultured Meat

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Joseph Mercola The GMO industry — which is funded, propped up and defended by the tech and chemical industries — is now seeking to replace beef, poultry, dairy and sh with synthetic biology, cultured meat, precision fermentation, cellular-based and gene-edited foods. Cultured meat (cell-based meat) is produced from animal tissue cells that are grown in […]

A FOIA Request Came in for Nova Scotia

Jessica Rose Please refer to the recently FOIAed document received from the Nova Scotia Office of the Deputy Minister Health and Wellness Department. There they go again with that fast and loose use of the word ‘Health’. It is dated June 1, 2022. … The document shows that COVID-19 injectable product use has a dose response: […]