It Has Stopped Making Sense, So Let’s Just Say No.

low-angle photo of lightened candles

Tess Lawrie The return of so-called mask mandates looms large in many countries – in some, they never left. Most people reading this will already know that masks don’t prevent infection. I suspect many of you are also fully aware that masks are dehumanising, divisive and detrimental to health and happiness. … The problem we […]

750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections

as of March 31, 2022 Doctors for COVID Ethics Kyle Beattie has shared this extensive curated list of literature references on COVID-19 “vaccine” adverse effects from 2021 and early 2022. Not on this list is Kyle’s own study, which however is very important and illuminating nevertheless: Beattie, K.A. (2021) Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of […]

Letter to UK Health Authorities, Re: 6 Month to 4 Years Covid Vaccines

Cute Babies Eating Apple

the children’s union We are writing to you urgently concerning the announcement that the FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorisation for both Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines in preschool children. We would urge you to consider very carefully the move to vaccinate ever younger and younger children against SARS-CoV-2, despite the gradual but significant […]

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

Man Holding a Sign that Says Fraud

Michael Nevradakis A lawsuit led by whistleblower Brook Jackson alleging Pfizer and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other acts of fraud during Pfizer’s COVID-19 clinical trials is paused following a motion by the defendants to dismiss the case.  … Pfizer is a federal contractor because it signed multiple contracts with the U.S. […]

Masks Are Not Benign

girl in white tank top holding blue and green plastic toy

Pairodocs Masks are an example of the weaponization of the precautionary principle. “If it saves just one life, it is worth it”. “You can’t be too careful”. Neither of these is true. A correct application of the precautionary principle means considering not only the benefits, but also the negative impacts of an intervention.  … Oxygen […]

Coronavirus Propaganda: Reflections on an Episode of Mass Self-Haunting

person in black shirt standing on gray concrete floor

Colin Alexander Self-haunting concerns the dialogue that an individual has with themselves about what they should be fearful of and could, at a theoretical level, be considered a subdivision of the 20th century French philosopher Louis Althusser’s influential concept of ‘interpellation’: the process by which we internalise the values associated with a culture or ideology. […]

The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban

Rolf U. Halden et al. The FDA’s decades-long path to issuing a final rule, and the narrow scope of the September 2016 Final Rule (FDA 2016), indicate that existing regulatory practices are not sufficient to protect human and ecosystem health from adverse impacts of antimicrobial chemicals. Scientists from both academia and nonprofit organizations coauthored The […]

Is Pfizer Suppressing Vaccine Adverse Events Reports in Infants?

person holding baby's index finger

el gato malo … many children in the VAERS reporting had massive responses with multiple effects. and then they seem to have had no or conflicting follow up. and they seem to be nowhere in the trial results. … this is screaming for investigation. either many doctors all over the world are badly injuring babies […]