How the Monkeypox Scam Mirrors the COVID Scam–Unbelievable

pink and black hearts illustration

Meryl Nass Just like the COVID vaccines, turns out that in the animal experiments, Jynneos did not stop monkeys getting monkeypox, but did stop them from dying.  Since the current strain of monkeypox is mild, and virtually no one dies from monkeypox, this is another reason to avoid these dangerous vaccines like the plague—they won’t […]

Getting an HIV Vaccine to Market – Is That the Real Goal Behind COVID?

Joseph Mercola The COVID-19 vaccine is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps create the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine. Several scenarios are now converging to create the suspicion that getting an HIV vaccine to market may be a goal behind COVID-19. The COVID-19 jab is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps […]

Analysis of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children”: Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders

Brian S. Hooker and Neil Z. Miller The aim of this study was to compare the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated pediatric populations. … based on a convenience sample of children born into one of three distinct pediatric medical practices, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and […]

Vaxxed, Unvaxxed: The Science

Children’s Health Defense CHD has assembled nearly 60 studies that find vaccinated cohorts to be far sicker than their unvaccinated peers. 

Read the Fine Print, Part Two – Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine Package Inserts

The Children’s Health Defense Team The inserts communicate the information about adverse reactions in two distinct sections: “Clinical trials experience” (Section 6.1) and “Data from postmarketing experience” from the U.S. or other countries (Section 6.2). In April, 2020, Children’s Health Defense summarized the postmarketing data2 for over three dozen vaccines given routinely to American infants, […]

Vaccines and Autism New scientific discoveries show that autism is caused by early-life immune activation and brain inflammation. This brochure explains the science connecting vaccines, immune activation, aluminum adjuvant and autism.