mRNA Vaccines and COVID Linked to POTS, a Debilitating Condition Affecting Heart, Other Organs

The Defender Staff According to a study published Monday in Nature Cardiovascular Research, COVID-19 and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are linked to postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a debilitating autonomic nervous system disorder. POTS symptoms include an elevated heart rate, dizziness, heart palpitations, fainting, lightheadedness, headaches, chest pain, brain fog, anxiety, depression and fatigue, among others. Comparing POTS […]

Catastrophic Contagion

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James Roguski This is a “fictional scenario” that was conducted on October 23, 2022. It was run by the people who brought you Event 201.  PLEASE REALIZE that Article 12 of the “Conceptual Zero Draft” of the WHO’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” (potentially, a legally binding international agreement) calls for nations to conduct simulation exercises such […]

Review of the Germanic/German New Medicine of the Discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Ilsedora Laker After twenty years of research and therapy with over 31,000 patients, Dr. Hamer finally established firmly, logically and empirically how biological conflict-shock results in a cold cancerous or necrotic phase and how, if the conflict is resolved, the cancerous or necrotic process is reversed to repair the damage and return the individual to […]

The Nature of Tumors

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Caroline Markolin … when we suffer unexpected emotional stress, the ”conflict shock“ impacts in an area in the brain that is programmed to deal with exactly the particular type of distress experienced. From over 40,000 case studies, Dr. Hamer established that when the brain receives the impact, which is visible on a brain scan, the […]

Those Who Chose Shaming Over Science

Gabrielle Bauer For the first 62 years of my life, I don’t recall anyone calling me a selfish idiot, much less a sociopath or a mouth-breathing Trumptard. All that changed when Covid rolled in and I expressed, ever so gingerly, a few concerns about the lockdown policies. … From the earliest days of the pandemic, […]

Your Health Data – Exploitation of the Most Precious Commodity

black aluminum case Apple Watch and black Fitbit charge 2

Rob Verkerk … the global data revolution is well and truly here and continues to grow at warp speed. History books tell us over and again that as soon as a new commodity becomes highly valued, corruption, greed and exploitation will surface. Guaranteed. … While you might still be reeling from the sheer scale of […]

Pandemicism and the Foreknowledge of the Virus Planners

eugyppius Aspects of pandemicism are as old as 1918, but the proximate origins of this mind virus are much more recent. Tellingly, they don’t lie with any kind of pandemic at all, but rather with the WHO campaign to eradicate smallpox. This started in 1967, and it took ten years to complete. Any institutionalised enterprise […]

The Pharmaceutical Industry is Dangerous to Health: Further Proof with COVID-19

Pills and Cash

Fabien Deruelle The COVID-19 period highlights a huge problem that has been developing for decades, the control of science by industry. In the 1950s, the tobacco industry set the example, which the pharmaceutical industry followed. Since then, the latter has been regularly condemned for illegal marketing, misrepresentation of experimental results, dissimulation of information about the […]