Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: An Update

bunch of fruits

Pooja Sharma et al. Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: An Update Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and those who survive cancer may experience lasting difficulties, including treatment side effects, as well as physical, cognitive, and psychosocial struggles. Naturally-occurring agents from dietary fruits and vegetables have received […]

Possible Beneficial Effects of Fresh Pomegranate Juice in SARS-CoV-2 Infection Conditions

clear drinking glass with red liquid on brown wooden table

Saleem Ali Banihani Rather than the prophylactic vaccination, any effective synthetic, natural, or nutritional therapy or regimen that may cure or remedy, albeit partially, the complications of SARS-CoV-2 should be highly acknowledged. Here, we reviewed and discussed possible beneficial biological effects of pomegranate juice in such diseased condition of viral infection based on the current […]

Living According to the Winter Season with Chinese Medicine

brown wooden spoon on brown wooden spoon

Emma Suttie Winter represents the most Yin aspect in Chinese medicine. Yin is the dark, cold, slow, inward energy. This is compared to the Yang of summer whose energy represents light, hot, quick, expansive qualities. The summer weather is warm, the days are longer and people are out being active. In TCM we believe that […]

Ivermectin Converts Cold Tumors Hot and Synergizes with Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Treatment of Breast Cancer

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Dobrin Dragaonov et al. We show that treatment with the FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug ivermectin induces immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) and robust T cell infiltration into breast tumors. As an allosteric modulator of the ATP/P2X4/P2X7 axis which operates in both cancer and immune cells, ivermectin also selectively targets immunosuppressive populations including myeloid cells and Tregs, […]

Why Claims That Gene Editing Doesn’t Involve Insertion of Foreign Genes or DNA Are False

Claire Robinson Currently governments around the world are moving to scrap regulatory safeguards around genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are claimed to contain no foreign genes or foreign DNA. They choose to believe GMO lobby assertions that GM gene-edited plants and animals don’t contain any foreign genetic material in their genomes and are therefore as […]

Understand the Difference between Synthetic and Whole Food Supplementation

orange fruit slices on yellow surface

David Jockers Synthetic supplements are nutrients that have been synthetically (man-made) derived in a laboratory. These nutrients have an identical chemical structure as the whole food derived nutrition. They do not deliver the same results though. Even though the chemistry may be identical there is a significant difference between man-made and natural nutrition. Light passing […]

11 Amazing Healing Benefits of Drinking Water in a Copper Vessel

clear glass cup with ice

Unik Dhandhi In today’s modern world where we have UV filters and RO purifiers to purify water, the storage of water in metal containers may sound old-fashioned and not needed. However, this age-old practice referenced in ancient texts of Ayurveda is now supported by several scientific studies. Storing water in a copper vessel creates a […]