ICAN Obtains Disturbing Information About AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine from the UK Equivalent of the FDA

person holding white and orange plastic bottle

icandecide.org AstraZeneca study finds vector DNA in the sciatic nerve, bone marrow, liver, lungs, and spleen of vaccinated mice. The study documents further revealed that, in early 2021, AstraZeneca was forced to amend its data sheet for the vaccine after concluding that there may have been a causal association between the vaccine and serious hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis. […]

Hado, The Energy of Life

wailpaper, aura, meditation

Over the years, there have been many claims made about water, ranging from the mundane and ordinary to the bizarre and somewhat ludicrous. A concept that many people have difficulty understanding is a concept known as homeopathy, or the idea of water having a “memory” of sorts. While homeopathy has yet to be accepted by […]

The Experiments of Masaru Emoto with Emotional Printing of Water

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M. Pitkänen Masaru Emoto has carried out very interesting experiments with water at critical point for freezing. He claims that words expressing emotions have effect on the crystals formed in the process. Emoto reports that words with positive emotional contents produce beautiful crystals and those with negative emotional content generate ugly ones. Also music and […]

The Fourth Phase of Water

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Gerald Pollack Why do sprained ankles swell within seconds? Why do your joints operate without squeaking? Can drinking water supply energy? Is water merely another kind of food? How is water relevant to health? Answering these and related questions requires an understanding of the chemistry of water. Many presume that by now every aspect of […]

When Science Meets Mindfulness

woman in black shirt and gray pants sitting on brown wooden bench

Alvin Powell In recent decades, public interest in mindfulness meditation has soared. Paralleling, and perhaps feeding, the growing popular acceptance has been rising scientific attention.Studies have shown benefits against an array of conditions both physical and mental, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. But some of those findings have […]

The Lectin Connection

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Peter D’Adamo and Catherine Whitney A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. It is amazing but true that today, in the twenty rst century, your immune and digestive systems still maintain favoritism for foods that your blood type ancestors ate. We know […]

Blood Group Genetics, Exercise and Stress

group of women doing yoga

Peter D’Adamo In its most simplified sense, stress is what you feel when the demands on your life exceed your ability to meet those demands. Your blood type is a critical component in the determination of your ability to meet the demands. A moderate amount of physical activity on a consistent basis will also tend […]