Dangers of LED Lights

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Joseph Mercola LEDs emit nonanalog light that typically has excessive blue frequencies. Regular exposure, especially after sunset, will contribute to worsening of sleep and an increase in disease. When using LEDs, you might end up with increased cellular damage and decreased repair and regeneration. You have cells in your retina responsible for producing melatonin, which […]

Microwave Emissions and the Problem of Modern Viral Diseases

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S. V. Avakyan and L. A. Baranova The results of a study on the mechanisms of the influence of an increased level of microwave radiation on the growth of infectious, primarily viral, diseases in the environment are presented. This is the radiation of the earth’s ionosphere, which reached its maximum in the late 1980s–early 2000s, […]

EMF Pollution and Chronic Disease – What’s the Connection?

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Joseph Mercola The primary danger of electromagnetic elds (EMFs) — and what drives the processes of chronic disease — is the mitochondrial damage triggered by peroxynitrites. Peroxynitrites are potent reactive nitrogen species associated with systemic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction and are thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases. You cannot […]

Glyphosate Found in Major Childhood Vaccines

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momsacrossamerica.org Glyphosate, a chemical ingredient found in Monsanto’s Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides, has been found in vaccines. Moms Across America received preliminary screening results from Microbe InotechLaboratories Inc. of St. Louis, Missouri which show the DTap Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine had 0.123 ppb, Influenza Fluvirin (Novaris) 0.331 ppb and HepB Energix­B (Glaxo Smith […]

Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence-Based Medicine?

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Joseph Mercola Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra shares data on the Big Pharma takeover of modern medicine. Due to Big Pharma’s stronghold over health care, we’re facing what Malhotra calls a pandemic of misinformed doctors and unwittingly harmed and misinformed patients. Drug companies and medical device manufacturers aren’t in business to make patients happy; they’re beholden […]

Five Simple Questions for Virologists

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Tom Cowan Question One: Can you give us a reference in which this step has been done for any pathogenic virus, and, if this reference doesn’t exist, explain why not? Question Two: Can you define what the term “isolation” means to you, and whether you agree that the above process is a scientifically based isolation […]

Time to Trust Your Inner Expert

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Eric Hussey … The problem in our current world is that “experts” demand our behaviors conform to their self-proclaimed expert prognostications, for which they are never held responsible in any way. No costs to those predicting the future are associated with prognostication errors. All costs of future-telling errors are borne by not-prognosticators. Those costs are […]