Know Your Metabolic Type/The Oxidation Types: Introduction to Metabolic Typing

basic element, earth, air Metabolic typing is a very central concept in nutritional balancing science. However, metabolic typing is not familiar to most people because modern allopathic medicine does not focus on it. Many ancient healing systems embraced it, however. The idea behind of metabolic typing is that o en people display symptoms, illnesses, and hundreds of body […]

Vilhjalmur Stefansson and His All-Meat Diet Experiment

beef steak with fork

Sophia Le Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879 – 1962) was an Arctic explorer, anthropologist, lecturer, and proli c writer. Stefansson was rst forced to live on the all-meat diet of the Inuit to survive when a ship carrying his supplies failed to arrive on one of the expeditions. After eleven years living with the Eskimos, Stefansson’s health […]

Redox Biology in Neurological Function, Dysfunction and Aging

mental health, brain, thinking

Rodrigo Franco and Marcelo R. Vargas Reduction oxidation (redox) reactions are central to life and when altered, they can promote disease progression. In the brain, redox homeostasis is recognized to be involved in all aspects of central nervous system (CNS) development, function, aging, and disease. Recent studies have uncovered the diverse nature by which redox […]

What Causes Heart Attacks

heart attack, illness, health

Tom Cowan In this article, I lay out the case that the spectrum of heart disease that includes angina, unstable angina, and myocardial infarction (heart attack) is better understood from the perspective of events happening in the myocardium (heart) as opposed to events in the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply the heart). As we […]

The Redox Rx: How to Improve Your Redox Potential

water, carafe, sea

Jack Kruse Water is life’s battery, collagen is the wire that connects the negative and positive charge within the battery, and the sun’s light is the constant energy source for the water battery to recharge. … An environment with a “low redox potential” means electrons have a weak-charged environment.  Non-native EMF is an example of […]

Orthomolecular Treatment for Depression, Anxiety & Behavior Disorders

man standing in front of the window

Raymond J. Pataracchia Orthomolecular medicine can be helpful in treating the biochemical imbalances of mood and behaviour disorders. This broad grouping of disorders includes anxiety, severe depression, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, hormonal depression, other endogenous depressions (cyclothymia, seasonal affective disorder), OCD, ADHD, ODD and, addictive behavior. Mood and behavior disorders have similar nutritional imbalance pro […]

Homeopathic Detoxification with CEASE Therapy

closed eye boy laying on brown maple leaves

Cilla Whatcott CEASE stands for “Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression”1 and was devised by the late Tinus Smits, MD, a Dutch physician deeply touched by the suffering of children. Hundreds of practitioners (homeopaths, naturopaths and medical doctors) throughout the world have successfully used his method after receiving training and becoming certified. CEASE therapy engages […]