Gadolinium Retention and Breast MRI Screening: More Harm Than Good?

Francesco Sardanelli et al. The purpose of this article is to describe the risk-benefit balance of contrast-enhanced breast MRI (CE-BMRI) screening. CE-BMRI confers risk of effects associated with administration of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs), including nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and gadolinium retention. The risk-benefit balance of CE-BMRI screening is favorable for carriers of BRCA, TP53, or […]

The Debate Over Gadolinium MRI Contrast Toxicity One of the biggest concerns in radiology in recent years is the safety of gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Radiologists and patients began to question the safety of gadolinium a few years ago when a study came out in late 2014 showing the agent is deposited and retained in […]

The Final Report of the International Health Regulations Review Committee

James Roguski The International Health Regulations Review Committee (UHRRC) published their final report and they have validated nearly everything that I have been saying for the last month and a half. ————— Ongoing negotiations regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are currently scheduled from February 20, 2023 to February 24, 2023. […]

A Primer on Medical Gaslighting

A Midwestern Doctor One of the classic ways an abuser controls their prey is to manipulate the environment so that the abused individual begins doubting their own observations regardless of what is occurring in front of them. … In modern times, this is accomplished by having medical providers all echo the same message that a […]

Study Unravels Mechanism Behind Cilantro’s Benfits

Ana Sandolu … Scientists have unraveled the molecular underpinnings of cilantro’s anticonvulsive effects. Prof. Abbott and colleagues screened the metabolites of cilantro leaf and found that one in particular — the “long-chain fatty aldehyde (E)-2- dodecenal” —activates several potassium channels. These potassium channels are part of the “[n]euronal voltage-gated potassium channel subfamily Q (KCNQ),” and […]

Lead Author of New Cochrane Review Speaks Out

Maryanne Demasi Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the University of Oxford, is the lead author of a recent Cochrane review that has ‘gone viral’ on social media and re-ignited one of the most divisive debates during the pandemic – face masks. The updated review titled “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of […]


NCBI Bookshelf Choline has multiple roles as an essential nutrient. A major dietary component found in eggs and liver, its absorption in the intestine is mediated by choline transporters. The majority of choline is used to synthesize phosphatidylcholine, the predominant lipid in cell membranes. As well as being essential in the synthesis of membrane components, […]

Immunoglobulin Yolk Targeting Spike 1, Receptor Binding Domain of Spike Glycoprotein and Nucleocapsid of SARS-CoV-2 Blocking RBD-ACE2 Binding Reaction

Meliana Eka Saputri et al. Coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has become a global pandemic disease that has social and economic chaos. An alternative mitigation strategy may involve the use of specific immunoglobulin (Ig)-Y derived from chicken eggs. Our study aimed to evaluate the neutralizing potential of […]