The Cochrane Review on Masks is Damning

Vinay Prasad I want to highlight what just came out: the Cochrane review on masking. It shows that community mask recommendations have no firm data to support it. The authors write: “There is a need for large, well-designed RCTs addressing the effectiveness of many of these interventions in multiple settings and populations, as well as […]

Healing Cognitive and Emotional Effects of Head Injuries

Burke Leenihan Whether you have a toddler who keeps toppling over, an older child playing soccer and hockey, or a teen on the football team, you’re probably concerned about the dangers of head injuries. In a recent study published in Brain, 68 of 80 former athletes showed signs of brain damage from past blows to the head (known […]

Keto Therapies

Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies There are five variations of the Ketogenic Diet which have been published in medical literature as effective treatments for diseases that have an underlying metabolic dysregulation, such as epilepsy, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. The original Ketogenic Therapy, known as the classic Ketogenic Diet, or classic Keto for short, was designed in […]

Nutrition and Neurogenesis

Romain Meeusen Nutrition has a specific role in providing energy and building material for the body. The ability of nutrients to prevent and protect against diseases is starting to be recognized. Physical activity has also been associated with the reduction of a number of physical and mental disorders. Therefore, both nutrition and exercise are used […]

What Does Water Do For the Brain?

Heights Water plays a vital role in every function of your body. And the following groundbreaking research pinpoints exactly how powerful hydration is for optimal brain health. If you want to experience clearer thinking, better memory and even enhanced focus and concentration, these cognitive benefits are just a sip of water away.

The Paravascular Pathway for Brain Waste Clearance: Current Understanding, Significance and Controversy

Andrew Bacyinski et al. The Paravascular Pathway for Brain Waste Clearance: Current Understanding, Significance and Controversy The paravascular pathway, also known as the “glymphatic” pathway, is a recently described system for waste clearance in the brain. According to this model, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) enters the paravascular spaces surrounding penetrating arteries of the brain, mixes with […]

Impact of Dietary Fats on Brain Functions

Rosanna Chianese et al. Adequate dietary intake and nutritional status have important effects on brain functions and on brain health. Energy intake and specific nutrients excess or deficiency from diet differently affect cognitive processes, emotions, behaviour, neuroendocrine functions and synaptic plasticity with possible protective or detrimental effects on neuronal physiology. Lipids, in particular, play structural […]

Kidney Collecting Tubules Constellation (German New Medicine) Disorientation, a loss of sense of time, and confusion are symptoms of so-called Alzheimer’s disease (see also Alzheimer’s with short-term memory loss and dementia related to a (Post)Sensory Cortex Constellation). In conventional medicine it is assumed that Alzheimer’s is either genetic, caused by a B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism, systemic infections, or the consequence of a stroke. Dr. Hamer’s research shows that the mental condition presented with […]