Solving the Puzzle of Fibromyalgia

Stephen Byrnes The pains and symptoms of fibromyalgia have no known, discernible cause, but a number of theories have been put forward. Brain imbalances, chronic infection with candida albicans and other fungi, anemia, parasites (including protozoans like giardia), hypoglycemia, hypo-thyroidism, hepatitis, and heavy metal poisoning, including mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings, have all been proposed, […]

Dem Bones: Do High Protein Diets Cause Bone Loss?

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig The protein theory was rst presented in 19681 and followed up in 1972 with a study comparing bone density of vegetarians and meat eaters … The authors of the study attribute the decline in bone mass to the high protein diet of the Eskimos, especially its high meat content. […]

Bone Health and Osteoporosis: An Orthomolecular Perspective

Richard Z. Cheng and Thomas E. Levy Osteoporosis, like most other disease, is caused by many factors including deficiencies of essential nutrients such as vitamin D. But the central dogma has been promoting just prescription drugs and calcium supplements. This strategy sounds simple and straightforward, but unfortunately not only does it not work, it may […]

An Osteopathic Approach to Fibromyalgia

Michael A. Seffinger An osteopathic approach to the patient entails viewing all aspects of health (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) as a combination of coordinated body functions that make up that unique individual patient. It is a patient-centered focus, emphasizing health- oriented principles of patient care and adds the osteopathic touch—i.e., hands on manual diagnosis […]

The 2nd Effectiveness and Safety of the Okada Purifying Therapy

Kiyoshi Suzuki The Okada Health and Wellness Program have three pillars: Purifying Therapy, Healthy Eating Program, and Arts and Culture Program. This time, I will share about the efficacy and safety of the Okada Purifying Therapy from a scientific and objective perspective. Purifying Therapy can be said to be the lifeline of the Okada Health […]

Homeopathic Remedies for First Aid Emergencies

Erika Price Emergencies are the conditions which people are most afraid of and the least prepared for. Being prepared with a little knowledge of homeopathic remedies can prevent a worse problem from developing in an emergency and even cure the problem. This is a wonderful power in the realm of self healing.

Essential Oils in the Treatment of Respitatory Tract Diseases Highlighting Their Role in Bacterial Infections and Their Anti-inflammatory Action: A Review

Györgyi Hováth and Kamilla Acs The appearance of multidrug resistant bacteria and growing antibiotic resistance is leading to a continuous need for discovering new drugs and alternative treatments against infections. The investigation of the antibacterial effect of essential oils (EOs), which are commonly used nowadays in cosmetics, health care, traditional medicine and food industry, could […]