COVID-19 Vaccines – An Australian Review

Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of these vaccinations are slowly becoming apparent. This review has been written from an Australian perspective with the main focus on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We will look at the promises/predictions originally made […]

Now Published in the Peer-Reviewed Scientific Literature: “The mRNA Vaccines Are Neither Safe Nor Effective, But Outright Dangerous”

Steve Kirsch Every health authority in the world should be warning the public about this … Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read: “A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated […]

How the Government of Canada is Manipulating Their Own Data to Claim that “Vaccines Significantly Reduce COVID-19 Cases”, When the Data Shows the Opposite

Open Canada Tracker Newsletter – The ‘Cases following vaccination’ data published by PHAC proves two facts: #1: Post-marketing data does not support claims about vaccine efficacy. Data published by PHAC reveal that people with 4 doses had more Covid cases (including deaths) than unvaccinated, not less, as shown in PHAC reports. #2: Data also proves that Government of Canada has […]

Banishing Bronchitis

Michael Klaper Not only might you have bronchitis, your symptoms define the disease – namely, cough and hypersecretion of mucus from an irritation (usually from infection) of the inner lining of the bronchial tubes of the lungs. Incidentally, bronchitis differs from pneumonia in that bronchitis is limited to the inner bronchial tube lining, whereas in […]

Fake Meat: Another Attempt for Global Control of the Food Supply

Joseph Mercola The fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world. However, it’s an underhanded attempt to recreate the kind of global control that Monsanto and others achieved through patented GMO seed development. Lab-created meats may turn out to be one of the most health-harming ultra-processed […]

mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are Here Now.

Robert W. Malone Before we can discus mRNA vaccines for livestock, pets and wildlife, we must first address the elephant in the room. That is, how come the public is able to access human clinical trial information, but is not able to do the same for clinical trials involving animal health? … Therefore, one must […]

It’s All Getting So Ridiculous! – Part Two

Dawn Lester The purpose of this article, as with all my articles, is not to add to the fear-mongering but instead to provide information for people, because it is only when we have all of the information we need that we can make truly informed decisions. Link to Part One:

It’s All Getting So Ridiculous! – Part One

Dawn Lester It would seem from the recent slew of ‘news stories’ (translation = propaganda), that the ‘would-be controllers’ have reached a state of sheer desperation or maybe even hysteria or possibly both! The level of fear-mongering on various topics, such as ‘UFOs’, so-called ‘climate change’, the rising cost of living, ‘spies’ or deadly diseases, […]