International Standards for Trade in Nano-coated Produce?

Steve Suppan Nanotechnology-based food and health products and food packaging materials are available to consumers in some countries already, and additional products and applications are currently in the research and development stage, and some may reach the market soon. … According to the WHO/FAO expert panel, it is “progress” that agri-nanotechnology products are on the […]

Eating Nano: Our Food Supply is Not Nearly As Safe As We Would Like to Believe …

Brita Belli … Unbeknownst to just about everyone, nanoparticles made a quiet entrance into the nation’s food supply at least a decade ago. Nanoparticles are materials that are microscopic—significantly smaller than a red blood cell; and tens of thousands of times smaller than the width of a human hair. These particles can help deliver nutrients, […]

Knife, Fork … And Nanoparticles?

Gwyneth K. Shaw Wondering whether your anti-stink workout clothes are sending nanosilver into the environment? Turns out that you should take a look at other silver ob- jects you might be wearing or using as a potential source for sloughing off ultra-tiny bits, too. A new study showing that large-scale silver objects can essentially shed […]

Nanotechnology – the New Threat to Food

Georgia Miller Following on from genetic engineering, nanotechnology represents the latest high technology attempt to infiltrate our food supply. Senior scientists have warned that nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules, introduces serious new risks to human and environmental health. Yet in the absence of public debate, or oversight from […]

How to Fast for Metabolic Fitness and Hormone Balance

Joseph Mercola The vast majority of people eat across 12 hours or more, which is a recipe for metabolic disaster. Health statistics bear this out, showing that 93.2% of Americans are metabolically unfit. Time-restricted eating (TRE) is one of the most foundational strategies to stay healthy, and when done appropriately can also help balance your […]

Remedies for Barking Coughs There are many different types of cough and you can hear them all during winter – tickly coughs, dry coughs, chesty coughs, croupy coughs – but they all have one thing in common; they cause distress and discomfort to the sufferer (not to mention the listener!) They lead to irritability, sore muscles, and lack […]

How to Restore Digestive Health

Jordan S. Rubin Back in 1995 the incidence of Crohn’s disease was 1 out of every 10,000 people; today, it is 1 out of every 500 to 1,000 people. That is a 10- to 20-fold increase in less than 10 years, and the incidence of all the digestive disorders is increasing. Like many of the […]