Bombshell from Kieran Moore

Byram W. Bridle … In response to a great question about a confirmed COVID-19 ‘vaccine’-caused death, draconian COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ mandates, and the vilification of those who opposed them with good reasons, Dr. Kieran Moore, the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario, gave this crystal clear response… “From the government’s vantage point, when we asked, […]

Debunking the Soy Scare

Vesanto Melina Soy has been the focus of considerable controversy. The roots lie in good and bad science and in the fact that soy poses a threat to the animal products industry. As many shift towards plant foods, interest in soy arises, in part for its top-quality protein. Research also establishes its protection against cardiovascular […]

Soy Foods, Isoflavones, and the Health of Postmenopausal Women

Mark Messina … Isoflavones are classified as both phytoestrogens and selective estrogen receptor modulators. The phytoestrogenic effects of isoflavones have led some to view soy foods and isoflavone supplements as alternatives to conventional hormone therapy. However, clinical research shows that isoflavones and estrogen exert differing effects on a variety of health outcomes. Nevertheless, there is […]

Lymphatic Drainage Massage & Devices

BRMI … The lymphatic system lacks an organ that acts as a pump. Under normal conditions, lymphatic vessels are low-pressure conduits, and the same mechanisms that promote venous return in blood vessels act here as well – the milking action of active skeletal muscles, pressure changes in the thorax during breathing, and valves to prevent backflow. […]

Extracellular Matrix and Its Therapeutic Potential for Cancer Treatment

Jiacheng Huang et al. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the major components of tumors that plays multiple crucial roles, including mechanical support, modulation of the microenvironment, and a source of signaling molecules. The quantity and cross-linking status of ECM components are major factors determining tissue stiffness. During tumorigenesis, the interplay between cancer cells […]

How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

Joseph Mercola Glyphosate is a very efficient metal chelator. This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbes because it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need those minerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. There’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise in […]


Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg Homotoxicology is based on the principle that diseases are caused by homotoxins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, illnesses are agent-determined reactive processes in which homotoxins can cause the body to react with inflammation. He described a homotoxin as “any substance that creates a direct or indirect toxic burden in the human organism.” The target […]

What is Homotoxicology?

Hans Reckeweg Toxicology is a branch of medical biology concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on the body. Homotoxicology is essentially an extension of this concept, where toxic substances are seen to disrupt normal biological function which results in the manifestation of symptoms and signs, and ultimately disease. It is the […]