Glyphosate in Collagen

Stephanie Seneff … three different microbial species have developed resistance to glyphosate by swapping out a glycine residue at the site where the substrate phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is secured in place. All three microbes have replaced this glycine residue with alanine (adding one extra methyl group). This results in a reduction in the efficiency of […]

Wise Choices, Healthy Bodies: Diet for the Prevention of Women’s Diseases

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig In order to produce estrogen and progesterone as required for the reproductive cycle, the body needs adequate amounts of cholesterol, because all the sex hormones are made from this vital substance. For this reason alone vegetarian diets for women are unwise as vegetarian diets will lower cholesterol. … The […]

Probiotics Principles

Michael Klaper … The bacteria in our intestines are originally common soil bacteria. How do they get into our guts? Animals who live earth-connected lives, like grazing deer and antelope, are constantly refreshing their intestinal flora as they eat and drink. They pull up clumps of grass with soil particles clinging to the roots and […]

Menopausal Symptoms

Jenifer Worden In my  experience, there is no single comple­mentary therapy or medication that  works for all women and this is borne out by conversations with other  doctors and therapists. There are, however, sev­eral homeopathic  medicines which can be effective at relieving menopausal symptoms. It is  especially important, however, to try to see a medical homeopath […]

Earthing and Menopause

The Earthing Institute Women are meant to be intimately tied to the Earth and there is no time in a woman’s life where this becomes more obvious than during the hormonal upheaval of menopause. The Earth is a woman’s comfort, healing, and salvation as the winds of menopause blast through. Without grounding, women can feel […]

The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing, and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases

James L. Oschman, Gaétan Chevalier and Richard Brown JIR-69656-the-effects-of-grounding–earthing–on-inflammation–the-imm Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune […]

EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produceâ„¢

blueberries, bunch, berries

EWG Science Team Nearly 75 percent of non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides, EWG’s 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in ProduceTM finds. … Blueberries and green beans are on the Dirty Dozen this year. Both crops still have troubling concentrations of pesticides that can harm the human nervous […]

Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons

Gaétan Chevalier et al. Environmental medicine generally addresses environmental factors with a negative impact on human health. However, emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth. Modern lifestyle separates humans from such contact. The […]