What Does – and Doesn’t – Make Us Sick

Tow Cowan What makes us sick and what doesn’t make us sick? To answer that question, our first step is to understand how we as human beings come to know something. There are two basic ways. First, we can have a sensory experience of something that tells us that this thing is real. We might […]
And On and On it Goes …

Dawn Lester It seems that many people wonder why the ‘no virus’ issue remains important now that the ‘pandemic’ is over. To add to that, there are some people in the ‘freedom movement’ who have recently asserted that there are many aspects of the globalists’ agenda that are not related to health and are far […]
When It Comes to Infant Milk Allergies, Many Questions Rrmain

Christina Szalinski (Undark) But while the evidence suggests that [Cow’s milk protein allergies] rates are climbing, the source of that increase remains unclear. Some experts say part of the reason is that doctors are getting better at recognizing symptoms. Others claim the condition is overdiagnosed, which could have health consequences, such as an increased risk […]
Blockbuster Weight-Loss Drug Linked to Serious Kidney Issues

Joseph Mercola Semaglutide, the blockbuster drug being used for weight loss, is slated to bring in more than $10 billion in annual sales but serious adverse e!ects are emerging. A study using data from Eudravigilance, Europe’s system for analyzing adverse reactions to medications, found a high prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders among users. Other semaglutide patients […]
How Antiobiotics Created the Industrial Chicken Industry – And Drug-Resistant Infections

Joseph Mercola Antibiotic resistance is a vastly underestimated health threat; an estimated 23,000 Americans die each year from drug-resistant infections, including drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases. Agriculture plays a major role in this; in the U.S., four times as many antibiotics are used in livestock as are used in human medicine. When animals are given antibiotics, […]
Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

Joseph Mercola Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops. CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides. In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens […]
How Could They be “Forest Fires” if the Forests Weren’t on Fire?

Mark Crispin Miller … Forensic arborist Robert Brame presents his photographic evidence that, in nearly all those California fires, what burned hell-hot was NOT the forests but the GROUND, the soil left forever STERILE. What happened time and time again in California (as, no doubt, in Canada last week) certainly did not result from lightning, […]
Ingredient in Popular Disinfectant Wipes Linked to Reproductive Health Issues

Joseph Mercola Ingredient in Popular Disinfectant Wipes Linked to Reproductive Health Issues • Children’s Health Defense Quaternary ammonium compounds are also referred to as “QACs” or “quats.” They are a popular ingredient in disinfectant wipes, which Clorox increased production of to 1.5 million packs per day during the pandemic. One survey suggests 83% of households […]