The Community Microbiome

woman in white dress dancing with girl in white dress on green grass field during daytime

Toby Rogers In the medical freedom movement we focus a lot on the wisdom of the body’s innate immune system. But that’s just one (very complicated) piece in a much larger and more interesting system. For the first year of life, infants don’t have much of an immune system. But nature already solved this problem. […]

More on the Issue of “Placebo” Batches

syringe, needle, medical treatment

Sasha Latypova … I am fairly certain that there were no saline placebo batches in broad commercial distribution (with exception of televised injections of government officials and dedicated Pfizer/Moderna employee batches). Here is why. Vax substance visually looks different from normal saline, because it is formulated as a special type of hydrogel. Also, Melissa MacAtee, […]

Climategate & Investigations of IPCC and CRU: Was There a Pattern of Coverup?

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Tim Ball Every time a serious threat to IPCC climate science appears, whether scientific or political, diversions and counterattacks are implemented. It usually involves people and agencies at the highest levels, with dissemination and support through major media outlets. One of the earliest examples involved changes to the 1995 IPCC Report Chapter 8 comments agreed […]

International Group of Lawyers Join Forces to Oppose WHO’s Power Grab

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Rhoda Wilson On Monday, a group of lawyers from ten countries released a statement voicing their opposition to the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed Pandemic Treaty, officially known as WHO CA+, and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHRs”). … “We, the lawyers say: No to totalitarianism. Clear statements by the lawyers about the […]

The Complex Beliefs of the Covid and Climate Cults: Ideologies Built on Sand

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HART group In order to fully believe in the covid cult there were numerous beliefs all of which had to be believed. Disbelieving any one of them would cause the whole house of cards to collapse. … A similar series of beliefs are necessary to sign up to the official narrative regarding climate change. … […]