Canada Health Alliance

British Columbia Doctor Lashes Out Against Authoritarian Bill 36

A. Brian Peckford

Do you trust the government with your private health-care information? Do you trust the government to mandate your health care?

Bill 36, passed by the B.C. government in November, gives the province unilateral power over doctors and your private health-care information, Dr. Jennifer Lush writes.

… I am all for an overhaul of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, but Bill 36 makes me cringe, because of the unilateral powers it gives to government, and the risks it is taking with the health care of British Columbians.

Do you trust the government with your private health-care information? Do you trust the government to mandate your health care? Would it not make far more sense for the College boards to include members of the public to represent the interests of patients?

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