Canada Health Alliance

The Goal of Chiropractic Health Care

R. C. Schafer

The essential element of chiropractic health care is enabling the patient to affect his internal homeostatic mechanisms and thereby achieve or maintain health. In order for this to be done, the inherent recuperative powers of the body must be influenced. Inherent growth, maintenance, and recuperative powers are collectively called innate intelligence.

There is a normal physiologic balance within an individual, a balance that has been functional since conception. It has determined the sequence that the new life developed, giving attention, when appropriate, to the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, bones, and muscle. It has been able to adjust itself to the needs of the individual without the benefit of outside intervention.

It is a function of the chiropractor, when homeostasis is thrown into a state of imbalance, to use his skill and knowledge to reinstate normal balance and tone to the body so it can properly function and administer to the needs of the individual.

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