Canada Health Alliance

Rethinking Osteoporosis

Caroline Markolin

Microsoft Word – Osteoporosis_E.doc

Osteoporosis, defined as a ”disease“ in which the bones become porous and weak, occurs (so we learn) predominantly in women following menopause. But why are postmenopausal women at greater risk? Why does not every postmenopausal woman develop it?

German New Medicine provides the missing link as to why not every postmenopausal woman develops osteoporosis. As gynecologist Dr. Susan Love documents in her Hormone Book, the correlation between bone loss and estrogen deficiency is purely hypothetical. Dr. Hamer’s research also shows that osteoporosis has nothing to do with hormonal changes but instead a lot with the loss of self-esteem of postmenopausal women. After the kids have left home a woman often feels no longer needed. With the changes that come with menopause women just don’t feel the same. Their physical, mental and sexual performances are not what they used to be. At this stage in life, a woman’s self-confidence is very vulnerable.

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