Canada Health Alliance

Blood Circulation Stimulation Properties of Cayenne Pepper: A Review

Mukul Chauhan et al.

Cayenne pepper (also called Capsicum frutescence) is a stimulating herb made from the dried pods of chili peppers and is well known for its pungent taste and smell. Cayenne is a popular spice used in many different regional styles of cooking, but it has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. Cayenne is often referred to as chili, which is the Aztec name for cayenne pepper. The main medicinal properties of cayenne are derived from a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient which gives peppers their HEAT. A pepper’s capsaicin content ranges from 0-1.5%. Peppers are measured according to heat units. The degree of heat determines the peppers’ usage and value. Generally, the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. In addition to adding heat to the pepper, capsaicin acts to reduce platelet stickiness and relieve pain. Other constituents of cayenne are vitamins E, vitamin C and carotenoids. Today cayenne is used worldwide to treat a variety of health conditions, including poor Circulation, weak digestion, heart disease, chronic pain, sore throats, headache sand toothache Cayenne is the greatest herbal aid to circulation and can be used on a regular basis. Dr. Richard Schulze, the medical herbalist, says that “If you master only one herb in your life, master Cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.”

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