Canada Health Alliance

World Government Summit: How the Merging of Humans and Technology Will Define the Next 50 Years

Michael Nevradakis

As part of the World Government Summit (WGS) last week in Dubai, conference organizers presented the “Government in 2071” initiative — a roadmap for governments to interact with “citizens and stakeholders” in a dramatically shifting future impacted by automation, robotics and climate change.

Convened from Feb. 13-15 under the slogan “Shaping Future Governments,” the WGS brought together key global gures to discuss the future of the world in a format similar to that of the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting.

While Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab — who offered competing visions of the future at the event — dominated media coverage, the WGS has issued its own set of dystopian predictions for the future in its “Government in 2071: Guidebook.”

The guidebook predicts that catastrophic climate change, mass migration, mass layo s due to automation, ensuing social unrest, and the merging of humans and technology will de ne the next 50 years.

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