Canada Health Alliance

Why Pediatricians Are Dangerous


“The pediatrician serves as the recruiter for the medical profession. He indoctrinates your child from birth into a lifelong dependence on medical intervention. It begins with a succession of needless “well-baby check­ ups” and immunizations and then moves on to routine annual physical examinations and endless treatment of minor ailments that would cure themselves if they were left alone.”

– Dr. Robert Mendelsohn

If you have a young child, or one on the way, then I cannot recommend Mendelsohn and his works strongly enough.

His primary message is to stay away from doctors and the medical system as much as possible. The system and its recruiters are a serious threat to you and your child’s health. You need to upskill and do more of the work yourself. It’s not that hard but it is harder than totally outsourcing the work to a corrupt, captured, disease causing, well-being stealing system.

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