Canada Health Alliance

Diabetes Mellitus from the Perspective of Anthroposophical Medicine

Matthias Girke

On the background of the three-fold human organism, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus appear as a polarity. In type 1 diabetes action of the nerve-sense system is dominant. In type 2 diabetes action of the will in the metabolic-limb system is restricted. In terms of the human biography, type 1 diabetes appears linked with insufficient incarnation of the soul and spiritual being, type 2 diabetes with premature separation and excarnation. 

Conventional therapy focuses on what can be measured and regulated, i.e. the glucose level. In this way it addresses the physical plane but fails to address the soul and spirit aspects of the illness—the disease process itself. Through its perspective on disease, anthroposophical medicine is able to develop therapeutic aims and concepts that go beyond regulation.

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