Canada Health Alliance

The ‘Safer’ Plastics Designed to Replace BPA May Be Just as Bad for You: What’s in Your Water Bottle?

Kendra Pierre-Louis

A chemical called BHPF—found in some ʻBPA-Freeʼ plastics—may cause harmful outcomes in mice, according to a study published Tuesday in Nature Communications.

… In recent years, BHPF has shown up in all sorts of adhesives and plastic materials—everywhere from the aerospace and automobile industry to coatings used to protect floors.

… Because BPA was known to be estrogen-like, the researchers exposed cells similar to those that bind with estrogen in humans. They discovered that while BPA mimics estrogen, BHPF actually blocks the hormone. This was confirmed via a computer model that simulates the effects of BHPF on cells.

Image: Anna Shvets @ Pexels

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