Canada Health Alliance

How FDA Spins the Science on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health Risks

Suzanne Burdick

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims there’s not enough scientific evidence to link cellphone use to health problems — but according to Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, a toxicologist and epidemiologist, the FDA’s claim is untrue and misleading.

… To support its statement — that “the weight of scientific evidence has not linked exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phone use with any health problems” — the FDA references a 2008-2018 literature review it conducted on radiofrequency (RF) radiation and cancer.

… However, Davis said the FDA’s review was never signed. In other words, the names of the individuals who authored the report were never publicly released.

Image: cottonbro studio @ Pexels

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