Canada Health Alliance

Systemic Treatments for the Cell Danger response

A Midwestern Doctor

In the first part of this series, I discussed the Cell Danger Response (CDR), a mechanism cells rely upon to survive potentially lethal environmental threats.

•In the second part of this series, I discussed how regenerative medicine restores non-functional tissue and how targeted injections can rescue cells trapped in the CDR.

•In this final part of the series, I will discuss the therapies that can be used to systemically resolve the CDR, some of which we have seen offer significant improvement to individuals with spike protein injuries. Many of these were developed from regenerative medicine techniques designed to restore non-healing tissue (e.g., from an injury) and tissue that loses its function or disappears because it can no longer enter its growth phase (e.g., this causes hair loss).

Image: National Cancer Institute @ Unsplash

Link to Part 1:

Link to Part 2:

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