Canada Health Alliance

Regenerative Medicine and the Cell Danger Response

A Midwestern Doctor

Cells in the body are always at a di6erent level of healing and stress. When too many cells in an area get trapped in their repair cycle and are unable to complete it, function of that area declines and can create a variety of disabling impairments.

Cells trapped in their repair cycle (the Cell Danger Response or CDR) are often the Erst weak link in the body that fails (e.g., during the aging process). Systemic inflammation responses places significant stress on cells trapped in the CDR. As a result, much of what has been seen with the spike protein injuries (from the vaccine or Long Covid) mirrors what has been seen in other complex disorders like Lyme disease.

Regenerative medicine restores non-functional tissue by initiating the cellular repair cycle and resolving frozen repair cycles. Because of this, many of the tools the regenerative medicine speciality has refined over decades for repairing non-healing injuries can also be applied to the understanding and treatment of debilitating inflammatory disorders.

Image: National Cancer institute @ Unsplash

Link to Part 1:

Link to Part 3:

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