Canada Health Alliance

A Winding Tale of the WHO, Monkeypox, Jeffrey Sachs’ Turnaround, and One Health

Meryl Nass

The US state department drafted a dozen AMENDMENTS to an existing international health treaty that had been adopted in 2005, termed the International Health Regulations (IHR).  These US-drafted amendments would enable the WHO to assume control over the pandemic response to future pandemics on a worldwide basis …

Concurrent with the presentation of these amendments to the WHA, a new WHO treaty has been in the process of being negotiated since last fall, and was expected to accomplish essentially the same thing:  a means to transfer national control over health and medical care from individual nations to the WHO under the guise of a pandemic or medical emergency …

And a creative concept termed ‘One Health’ that has been a pet project of the WHO, CDC, etc., may be the mechanism to assert centralized control over agriculture, natural lands, mining and human activities that intersect with nature.  

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