Canada Health Alliance

Canada Health Alliance (CHA) is a nationally registered nonprofit collaboration of health practitioners and dedicated community members. Established in March 2021, its members collectively envision a new approach to healthcare in the country.

Canada Health Alliance emerged during the era of Covid, a period well-known to Canadians who were faced with enforced measures, restrictions, mandatory medical interventions and limited access to early treatment options. It brought together a coalescence of health practitioners and communities in a joint effort to overcome these challenges and collectively contribute to the creation of a new, integrative parallel health system.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

We want to bring genuine care back into healthcare.

As healthcare professionals, we advocate for unrestricted access to high-quality, integrated healthcare for all Canadians. We aim to promote collaboration and unified action to ensure continued freedom of choice and informed consent.

Recognizing the harm caused by the current system, which promotes isolation, division, and fear, we envision a healthcare model emphasizing individual health rights, practitioner-participant relationships, and holistic approaches. This means moving away from rigid, disempowering models towards a system that embraces the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, empowering individuals to take personal responsibility for their health choices and well-being.

We want to bring genuine care back into our healthcare.

As healthcare professionals, we advocate for unrestricted access to high-quality, integrated healthcare for all Canadians. We aim to promote collaboration and unified action to ensure continued freedom of choice and informed consent.

Recognizing the harm caused by the current system, which promotes isolation, division, and fear, we envision a healthcare model emphasizing individual health rights, practitioner-participant relationships, and holistic approaches. This means moving away from rigid, disempowering models towards a system that embraces the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, empowering individuals to take personal responsibility for their health choices and well-being.

CHA's Vision

A world inspired by healthy, informed, strong and free Canadians.

CHA's Mission

To champion optimal health through education, collaboration, and open discourse, which honours our dynamic connection to nature and innate wisdom. 

CHA's Values:

Health, Integrity, Self-Empowerment and Choices.

CHA's Noble Purpose:

To establish a new health care system through collaboration, integrity and the participation of each and every person.

CHA's three strategic priorities

  1. To design, build and establish a new, better health care system that is grounded on medical ethics, does not discriminate and works in the best interests of the individual patient/participant.

  2. To provide health information which empowers individuals to determine their own path towards health & wellness without promoting any political or corporate interests.

  3. To ensure a collaborative and integrated health & wellness approach, which understands the importance of balancing physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Our immediate goal

Within the Canada Health Alliance, we have a community of caregivers and participants (formerly known as patients/clients). Each individual brings a unique set of skills, energy, and enthusiasm, all of which are crucial as we move forward with CHA.

Our cooperative goal is to establish an integrative parallel health system centered on empowering Canadians to strive for optimal health through education and mutual care for one another. 

Our immediate goal

Canada Health Alliance seeks to educate and empower every Canadian as the sovereign beings they are, allowing them freedom of access to a wide diversity of viewpoints and the unfettered ability to secure whichever allopathic and/or holistic modality of prevention or treatment they feel most aligned with.

Our immediate goal is to counter the misinformation, censorship, and coercion that is being used by Canadian public health “experts”, government agencies and our elected government representatives to target Canadians during the COVID crisis. These coercive measures have been used to ensure acceptance of health policies that have undoubtedly caused physical and psychological harm to millions of Canadians.

If you are a medical doctor, nurse, chiropractor, health coach, homeopath, naturopath, nutritionist, pharmacist, therapist, healthcare or wellness practitioner, fitness instructor, massage therapist, or concerned citizen who wants better healthcare, consider joining CHA. Join us by becoming a member or volunteer to help us and donate whatever you can to keep us going.