Alberta Government Issues Covid-19 Task Force Report & Demands Immediate Withdrawal of All Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’

This is a very significant development, and makes Alberta the first Canadian province to formally call for the immediate withdrawal of all Covid-19 vaccines which they conclude are neither safe nor effective.

Meanwhile an analysis published by Rebel News states that “among the most striking findings of the report is the task force’s criticism of Health Canada’s decision-making process for the rushed to market novel modified RNA injections. The report points out that there were “significant gaps” in the data supporting the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, Health Canada has failed to disclose whether a proper risk assessment was ever conducted to justify the widespread use of these vaccines in individuals under 18, particularly considering the lack of long-term clinical data.”

This alone should be sufficient grounds for a full investigation and complete review into the decision-makers within Health Canada – and Alberta Health Services – who put so many lives at risk, and why.

Rebel News goes on to say that, “One of the most disturbing aspects highlighted in the review is the data from Pfizer’s post-authorization trial. The report reveals that 1,223 deaths and 42,086 injuries were reported within just four days of vaccination. Notably, nearly half of these adverse events occurred in individuals aged 18-50—those at negligible risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. This troubling information calls into question the overall safety profile of the vaccines, especially in young and healthy populations.

Even more concerning is the data on pregnant women, which reveals a devastating 87.5% fetal/neonatal mortality rate in the limited trials conducted. These findings, alongside the acknowledged risks of the lipid nanoparticle delivery system, underscore the need for a re-evaluation of the vaccines’ safety profile.”

According to a post issued by Lawyer Lisa last Saturday, Alberta‘s inquiry into the province’s Covid-19 pandemic response between 2020 and 2023 makes the following shocking conclusions:

  • The number of all-cause deaths is NOT decreased by the Covid vaccinations.
  • There was a 3.7-fold increase in cardiac events in subjects who received the Covid vaccine versus the placebo.
  • All three of the originally approved vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson, were not designed for, nor tested, for efficacy against hospitalization, death or stopping transmission.
  • Based on the evidence that has emerged to date, it cannot be concluded that these Covid-19 vaccines are safe.
  • Immediately halt the use of all Covid-19 vaccines without full disclosure to patients regarding both the safety and efficacy issues by their physician.
  • End use of the Covid-19 vaccines for healthy children and teenagers as other jurisdictions have done, such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the UK.

It is worth noting, as mentioned in the Life Site News article on this report that Alberta Health Services (AHS) is still promoting the Covid shots for babies as young as six months old.   

In his own analysis of the report, John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (, which challenged lockdowns and mandatory vaccination policies in courts across Canada made some predictions about the report:

“I predict that Mr. Kenney and Dr. Hinshaw (the respective Albertan Premier and Chief Health Officer who presided over the Covid mandates) will make no effort to refute the Task Force’s findings.

I predict that “mainstream” (government-funded) media will interview only their reliable ideologues, who will use innuendo and platitudes without engaging the evidence, and who will not explain specifically why they disagree with the Final Report’s conclusions and recommendations.

I predict that lockdown supporters will attack the report’s authors and contributors. However, all have very impressive credentials: Dr. Gary Davidson, Dr. Blaine Achen, Dr. David Vickers, Dr. Justin Chin, Dr. David Speicher, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Kevin Bardosh, Dr. John Conly, Frank Byl, Angela Wood, Mark Bell, and Natasha Gonek.

I hope my predictions are wrong.

I hope that the Alberta Covid-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force will be taken seriously by all Canadians who are willing to engage in honest debate about the findings and recommendations in the Final Report. Hindsight is only 20/20 when we care to look.”

However, not all the damage that has been done by the Covid mandates and vaccines, as identified in this disarmingly honest and transparent report, are in the area of public health and federal or provincial healthcare. Unfortunately, as we have seen with Europe’s swing to the right, the impact is massive, and, for many, deeply subconscious, yet it is playing out in a whole new and unexpected political shift at the ballot box.

I personally worry that at this time of significant political uncertainty (no doubt triggered by the growing distrust in our traditional political structures as a result of this Great Covid Betrayal) this report and the public reaction to it could add further strain to our Canadian national unity. With all the talk of ‘the 51st State,’ the questions around the legal status of Canada and whether it is actually a legitimate country or not, as well as the implication of Alberta’s Sovereignty Act, the strength and cohesion of our national federation is very much under the spotlight.

The Alberta Prosperity Project specifically alluded to this in their summary of the Report which they issued on Monday. In it they stated:

“The findings reveal mounting evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines, initially touted as the cornerstone of pandemic recovery, have had harmful consequences for a significant portion of the population. From serious adverse reactions to long-term health complications, the data now shows that these risks outweigh the purported benefits for many demographics. Despite these warning signs, federal agencies failed to halt vaccine distribution or reassess mandates, leaving Albertans exposed to unnecessary harm.

This failure demonstrates the dangers of Alberta’s reliance on federal decision-making in critical areas of health policy. Alberta, under a sovereign framework, would have had the authority to independently evaluate vaccine safety, halt harmful programs, and prioritize the well-being of its citizens without waiting for federal directives.”

I fully understand and agree with the above conclusion which I squarely blame Trudeau for, and which I think applies not just to Albertans, but to the people of every other province outside of Ontario who were forced to comply with these extremely harmful impositions.

The truth is that this anti-Ottawa sentiment in Alberta hasn’t just been fuelled solely by the excess of the Federally imposed Covid mandates over the last five years. Instead they have been fuelled by an almost decade long campaign against Alberta and the Prairie Provinces to vilify their primary industries, suppress their economies and curtail their national political influence. Just as his father before him did, Trudeau has taken this to the point where greater autonomy, if not full independence, is now a very serious consideration in Alberta.

I do not think this is at all helpful at a time when we all need to be strong and united in our stand against ‘the Winds of Change’ howling across the entire Western World. This dramatic change in public political attitude is driven by deep resentment at how we have all collectively been treated over the last half-decade so it is hardly surprising.

Across Europe and North America we are seeing the rapid reshaping of the entire political, social and economic landscape. Locally, this process is calling into question our place as “Canadians” in this world of turmoil that we now find ourselves in, and the conclusions of this Albertan report further highlight why people are getting ever closer to the point of deep frustration, desperation and perhaps even revolutionary change.

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