Has Big Pharma Hijacked Evidence-Based Medicine?

Joseph Mercola Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra shares data on the Big Pharma takeover of modern medicine. Due to Big Pharma’s stronghold over health care, we’re facing what Malhotra calls a pandemic of misinformed doctors and unwittingly harmed and misinformed patients. Drug companies and medical device manufacturers aren’t in business to make patients happy; they’re beholden […]
Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals are Toxic

The Candida Slayer When we talk about vitamins, we need to specify the type of vitamins we are talking about. In our modern world, there are synthetic vitamins, which are generally presented to us as equivalent to vitamins in food, supposedly having an identical chemical structure and therefore an identical action in the body. And […]
The Pharmaceutical Industry is Dangerous to Health: Further Proof with COVID-19

Fabien Deruelle The COVID-19 period highlights a huge problem that has been developing for decades, the control of science by industry. In the 1950s, the tobacco industry set the example, which the pharmaceutical industry followed. Since then, the latter has been regularly condemned for illegal marketing, misrepresentation of experimental results, dissimulation of information about the […]
Ivermectin Converts Cold Tumors Hot and Synergizes with Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Treatment of Breast Cancer

Dobrin Dragaonov et al. We show that treatment with the FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug ivermectin induces immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) and robust T cell infiltration into breast tumors. As an allosteric modulator of the ATP/P2X4/P2X7 axis which operates in both cancer and immune cells, ivermectin also selectively targets immunosuppressive populations including myeloid cells and Tregs, […]
Lessons from the Flu Epidemic of 1918: The Dangers of Using Fever Suppressing Drugs for Viral Infections

Dana Ullman 50 million were thought to have died as a result of the influenza epidemic of 1918, but there is now a potential newly uncovered contributing factor to many of these deaths. Aspirin went o patent in 1917, making it available at cheaper prices, and because its patent-owner, Bayer, had worldwide distribution of it, […]
Ivermectin Converts Cold Tumors Hot and Synergizes with Immune Checkpoint Blockade for Treatment of Breast Cancer

Dobrin Draganov et al. Ivermectin converts cold tumors hot and synergizes with immune checkpoint blockade for treatment of breast cancer We show that treatment with the FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug ivermectin induces immunogenic cancer cell death (ICD) and robust T cell infiltration into breast tumors. As an allosteric modulator of the ATP/P2X4/P2X7 axis which operates in […]
Vaccines: Gateway Drug by Design

Kristina Kristen … We live in a world where pharma-backed, government sanctioned, medical mandates in the form of liability-free vaccines with known serious potential adverse effects are forced repeatedly in greater numbers (70 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18) onto our most vulnerable and voiceless populations—with a disastrous outcome of life-altering iatrogenic illnesses, artificially […]
Antidepressants Only 15% Better Than Sugar Pills, FDA Data Show

Joseph Mercola The serotonin hypothesis posits that low serotonin levels in your brain are responsible for symptoms of depression. However, there’s little to no evidence for this. A number of studies have debunked the serotonin hypothesis, which is the basis upon which drug makers market selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants like Prozac, Lexapro and […]