What If My Body Is Brilliant?

James W. What if my body is brilliant, and yours is too? What would the world look like if we all realized this together? The questions in this book are by no means new, but have increasingly been brought into the public consciousness by a variety of courageous scientists, doctors, and researchers …

Contagion – Fact Checked

isolation, quarantine, alone

Northern Tracey So if you take away the germ theory what is left? QUESTIONS. A gaping hole that needs answers. Now I can’t possibly speak to every case people will throw at me because there could be any number of reasons why people fall ill. They have to be looked at individually and personally. But- […]

Is Terrain Theory Just a Theory?

water waves on the shore

Rosanne Lindsay In the world of healing and opposite extremes, The Terrain Theory is contrasted to The Germ Theory. Are these opposing theories working for us?  Are people healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual? Or are opposites set up to cause friction, division, and separation? In a world of duality, are people coerced into making a […]

Natural Hygiene, the Science of Health

man, woman and child holding hands on seashore

Alan Goldhamer Hygiene is de ned in the dictionary as the science of health and its preservation. But just what does that mean? Over 100 years ago a few disenchanted medical doctors began to publicly challenge the medical approach to health care that included in its therapeutic arsenal leeches, bleeding, withholding of water from patients, […]

All Terrain: It’s Time for a Paradigm Shift

sliced cheese on brown tray

Mike Stone When I initially began to question the fraud of virology, a big influence on my ability to push away the germ theory indoctrination that I had been subjected to for the majority of my life was learning that there was in fact an alternate theory for how disease manifests. This theory is known […]

RSV Nonsense

Amandha Dawn Vollmer RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) has been part of the fear agenda as of late. Let me rip the bandaid off, there is no such virus. Actually, there are no viruses at all. Truth in this realm has been inverted completely. So what is happening when we have a lung expression that they […]