FDA Licensed Pfizer Vaccine Without Following Normal Approval Process, Documents Reveal
Zachary Stieber U.S. drug regulators acknowledged deviating from the normal vaccine approval process when dealing with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot, according to newly disclosed documents. Weeks after Pfizer and its partner BioNTech announced they started a rolling submission of documents for approval of their COVID-19 vaccine, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official penned a […]
ICAN Obtains Disturbing Information About AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine from the UK Equivalent of the FDA
icandecide.org AstraZeneca study finds vector DNA in the sciatic nerve, bone marrow, liver, lungs, and spleen of vaccinated mice. The study documents further revealed that, in early 2021, AstraZeneca was forced to amend its data sheet for the vaccine after concluding that there may have been a causal association between the vaccine and serious hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis. […]
UK Doctors Call for Government Investigation of mRNA Covid Vaccines
Doctors for Patients UK Doctors for Patients UK (DFPUK) was launched in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of UK doctors who are dedicated to practising ethical, evidence-based, patient-centred medicine. Our group was borne out of increasing concerns that core principles of medical ethics are being disregarded, such as the oath to “First […]
Trudeau Caught with His Euthanasia Pants down with Assisted Suicide Program
David Krayden “Justice” Minister David Lametti is putting the brakes on the expansion of his government’s assisted suicide program, known under the euphemism of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Sounds almost innocuous doesn’t it? Why are Trudeau and Lametti apparently losing their enthusiasm for a program that is fast becoming legalized euthanasia after they announced it […]
Catastrophic Contagion
James Roguski This is a “fictional scenario” that was conducted on October 23, 2022. It was run by the people who brought you Event 201. PLEASE REALIZE that Article 12 of the “Conceptual Zero Draft” of the WHO’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” (potentially, a legally binding international agreement) calls for nations to conduct simulation exercises such […]
Feds Purchased Hundreds of Millions of COVID-19 Vaccines Prior to Health Canada Approval
Sheila Gunn Reid By my estimation, the federal government now has or had purchased orders for nearly 600 million doses of vaccine, with approximately 373 million of those doses purchased in advance of Health Canada approval. … For Moderna Spikevax, the date the initial agreement was publicly announced was November 16, 2020. The number of […]
Bill 36: Bringing Gulag to British Columbia
The Goddard Report A podcast with Dr. Stephen Malthouse on “Making Doctors Agents of the State”