Fluoride is the New Lead

A Girl Drinking a Glass of Water

Fluoride Action Network The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on the neurotoxicity of fluoride confirms what experts have long been suggesting: that fluoride is the new lead in its ability to lower IQ in children. Over the past five years, experts in toxicology and epidemiology have equated the harm to developing brains from fluoride to […]

Migration of Microplastics and Phthalates from Face Masks to Water

garbage near forest

Giuseppina Zuri et al. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, face masks have been introduced in the complex strategy of infection prevention and control. Face masks consist of plastic polymers and additives such as phthalates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the migration of microplastics (MP) and phthalates from face masks to water. Four […]

Freshwater Fish Contain ‘Staggering’ Amount of Toxic PFAS Chemicals, Study Finds

fish dish on blue ceramic plate

Environmental Working Group A new study by Environmental Working Group (EWG), scientists find that consumption of just a single serving of freshwater sh per year could be equal to a month of drinking water laced with the “forever chemical” PFOS, or perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, at high levels that may be harmful. Researchers calculated that eating one […]

Peeling Back Apeel

bunch of vegetables

Alliance For Natural Health There’s a new kid on the block that’s garnered a huge amount of attention recently after a datasheet (https://www.evansvanodine.co.uk/assets/eng_apeel.pdf), allegedly detailing the toxic nature of its new product to extend the lifespan of fruit and vegetables, went viral. Apeel Sciences is a US based company that’s partnered with the Gates Foundation […]

Assessing Plastic Ingestion from Nature to People

a group of garbage floating in the ocean

Dalberg for WWF A new study by the University of Newcastle, Australia suggests that an average person could be ingesting approximately 5 grams of plastic every week. The equivalent of a credit card’s worth of microplastics. This summary report highlights the key ways plastic gets into our body, and what we can do about it. […]