Lead Toxicity Linked to 1 in 5 Deaths
Joseph Mercola Lead is one of three toxins shown to have the greatest negative impact on your lifespan. By competing with calcium at the cellular level, lead can disrupt several bodily systems, including your cardiovascular and neurological systems. Research published in 2018 found lead levels in adults are strongly correlated with a higher risk of […]
Chemical Recycling Plants: How Toxic Are They?
Environmental Health News … Proponents say that, despite mounting restrictions on single-use packaging, plastics aren’t going away anytime soon, and that chemical recycling is needed to keep growing amounts of plastic waste out of land fills and oceans … chemical recycling — processes that use high heat, chemicals, or both to break used plastic goods […]
Cleaning Supplies and Your Health
EWG Environmental Working Group’s investigation of more than 2,000 cleaning supplies on the American market has found that many contain substances linked to serious health problems. EWG concludes that: Fumes from some cleaning products may induce asthma in otherwise healthy individuals. A large and growing body of evidence links frequent use of many ordinary cleaning […]
EWG’s Dirty Dozen Food Chemicals: The Top 12 to Avoid
EWG Our food should be nourishing and safe to eat. But more than 10,000 chemicals are allowed in food sold in the U.S. Some are direct additives, such as preservatives like butylated hydroxyanisole, or BHA, and butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT, which are intentionally added to processed food. Others are so-called indirect additives, like heavy metals, […]
A Question for Women’s Health: Chemicals in Feminine Hygiene Products and Personal Lubricants
www.womensvoices.org A recent report by the nonprofit Women’s Voices for the Earth (WVE) points out that feminine hygiene products may use ingredients that are known or suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), carcinogens, or allergens. And while nearly all women use tampons and sanitary pads, black and Latina women use douches, wipes, powders, and deodorizers more often […]
What’s in Your Period Product? An Investigation of Ingredients Disclosed on Product Labels
www.womensvoices.org Period products are used on and in highly sensitive and absorptive parts of our bodies, which makesit important to understand the potential chemical exposures associated with their use. Until recently, information about ingredients, components or additives used in period products was largely unavailable from manufacturers. Chemical testing in the last ten years raised concerns […]
Chemicals of Concern in Feminine Care Products
Nanosilver in Period Products
www.womenvoices.org In recent years, the use of nanosilver as an antibacterial agent has greatly increased. Nanosilver is very small (microscopic) particles of silver. It is now commonly incorporated into athletic clothing to make it “antibacterial” in an effort to reduce odor. It has also been incorporated into certain period care products including absorbent menstrual underwear, […]