Titanium Dioxide Particles Frequently Present in Face Masks Intended for General Use Require Regulatory Control

Eveline Verleysen et al. Although titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a suspected human carcinogen when inhaled, fiber-gradeTiO2 (nano)particles were demonstrated in synthetic textile fibers of face masks intended for thegeneral public … No assumptions were made about the likelihood of the release of TiO2 particles itself, since direct measurement of release and inhalation uptake when face […]

PFSA’s Quietly Seeping Into The Environment

Lucy Crisetig There are thousands of individual PFAS chemicals. They’re a complex, and continuously expanding group of manufactured compounds widely used to make everyday products more resistant to stains, grease, and water. They’re used to keep food from sticking to cookware, make clothes and carpets resistant to stains, and create firefighting foam that is more […]

Household Cleaners Are Hazardous to Your Health – Here Are 8 Alternatives

Joseph Mercola Long-term exposure to household cleaners and disinfectants has been linked to increases in asthmatic symptoms, nervous system damage, low sperm count, irregularities in menstruation and miscarriage. … The most acutely dangerous cleaning products are corrosive drain cleaners, acidic toilet bowl cleaners and oven cleaners. … With household cleaner use being as dangerous for […]

Is Water Fluoridation Effective?

Fluoride Action Network According to most major sources, estimates of fluoridation effectiveness amount to at most a reduction of only one-half cavity per child. Low end estimates find no significant reduction at all. Children aged 6-17 average 2.1 cavities in their permanent teeth. • Cochrane Collaboration2 (2015): 26% (0.5 cavity per child)• CDC3 (2018): 25% […]

Fluoride Exposure and Human Health Risks: A Fact Sheet from the IAOMT

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicity Although fluoride exists naturally in the environment, human exposure to fluoride has drastically increased since the 1940s. Since that time, an array of products containing fluoride and its compounds have been introduced to the average consumer, especially due to fluoride’s alleged role in cavities prevention. … The impact […]

Neurobehavioural Effects of Developmental Toxicity

Philippe Grandjean and Philip J. Landrigan Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency. Industrial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known causes for this rise in prevalence. In 2006, we did a systematic […]

Fetal Flouride Intake Levels Exceed Safety Thresholds

pregnancyandfluoridedonotmix.com Most fluoride intake is from fluoridated tap water, which pregnant women are told to drink throughout the day. When a pregnant woman consumes fluoride, so does her baby. This means for babies in the months before birth, their daily AI of fluoride (0.049 mg/kg/day) is 35 times higher than it is for babies in the months after […]