The Experience of Forced Masking from a Child’s Perspective

Ashmedai Of all the many various pandemic abominations – and there is no shortage to choose from – the victimization of children stands above the rest as a uniquely horrific defilement of fundamental human virtue and conscience … Somehow, it has become normalized not only to institutionalize grotesque child abuse, but to go so far […]

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable

Eric Hussey … Visual neurology – all neurology – requires the correct or appropriate input to develop. Block the proper stimulus that would drive neural development of specific areas at a time of rapid neural growth, and development of the neural network involved is impaired. … What happens if the majority of faces seen by […]

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children

Boy and Girl Running On Grass

Carla Peeters … More observations on children’s health are alarming. Health experts in the US are seeing children in the middle of the summer testing positive for as much as seven common viruses- adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza as well as coronavirus, with most of them having two or three […]

The Generation of Children Raised by Fear

woman in black cardigan wearing white mask

Molly Kingsley, Liz Cole … Fuelled by that fear, we locked our young in their rooms for days on end, padlocked their playgrounds and stopped them from seeing their grandparents and friends … Fuelled by fear we breached our species’ most basic social compact: to protect our young, abandoning at so many touch points our […]

Letter to UK Health Authorities, Re: 6 Month to 4 Years Covid Vaccines

Cute Babies Eating Apple

the children’s union We are writing to you urgently concerning the announcement that the FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorisation for both Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines in preschool children. We would urge you to consider very carefully the move to vaccinate ever younger and younger children against SARS-CoV-2, despite the gradual but significant […]

WARNING TO PARENTS: Covid Vaccines for Children are Dangerous!

2 girls sitting on floor

The Weston A. Price Foundation Dear Parents: If you are contemplating giving Covid vaccines to your children, please read the following key points first. Here you will find that Covid vaccines are NOT safe and NOT effective. … PARENTS!  Your children are at low risk from contracting Covid-19, but are at high risk of injury […]