Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathology

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Matthew T. J. Halma, Christof Ploth, Paul Marik and Theresa A. Lawrie In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, a need has arisen to prevent and treat two related conditions, COVID-19 vaccine injury and long COVID-19, both of which can trace at least part of their aetiology to the spike protein, which can cause harm […]

How Molecular Hydrogen Can Help Your Immune System

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Joseph Mercola Molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) has powerful antioxidant and anti-in ammatory effects, making it potentially useful for COVID-19. Being the smallest molecule in the universe and having no polar charge, the hydrogen molecule is also able to diffuse through all cell membranes and subcellular compartments, including the nucleus and the mitochondria. It doesn’t need […]

I-CARE RSV and Flu Treatment

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FLCCC Alliance In adult patients, COVID-19 (Omicron variant), influenza, and RSV present with similar symptoms and physical findings. It may therefore be difficult to distinguish between these infections (particularly COVID-19 and influenza) based on clinical presentation alone. We would suggest this treatment protocol in those with diagnosed Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV); however, in low-risk patients […]

Past SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Against Re-infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

COVId-19 Forecasting Team Understanding the level and characteristics of protection from past SARS-CoV-2 infection against subsequent re-infection, symptomatic COVID-19 disease, and severe disease is essential for predicting future potential disease burden, for designing policies that restrict travel or access to venues where there is a high risk of transmission, and for informing choices about when […]