New Study Shows Ivermectin Can Reduce Chance of Death by 92%

Steve Kirsch A new large prospective observational study of 88,000 people shows ivermectin works; the greater the dose, the better it works. There were 0 COVID hospitalizations in the group of regular ivermectin users compared to 10 in the irregular user group. How does the WHO react? They ignore it of course! The WHO has not updated […]

New Study Shows Ivermectin Can Reduce Chance of Death by 92%

Steve Kirsch A new large prospective observational study of 88,000 people shows ivermectin works; the greater the dose, the better it works. How does the WHO react? They ignore it of course! The WHO has not updated their treatment guideline for Ivermectin in over 1 year.

Vaccine Detox

Cup of Tea Standing on Table with Pine Branch Millions of people globally are suffering from debilitating side effect from the “safe and effective” covid vaccine. Medical workers around the world are forbidden from saying anything negative about the shots – or even censored completely – despite them seeing first hand some of the devastating effects they have on people’s lives. … Due […]

Microbiome-Based Hypothesis on Ivermectin’s Mechanism in COVID-19: Ivermectin Feeds Bifidobacteria to Boost Immunity

Sabine Hazan Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic agent that has gained attention as a potential COVID-19 therapeutic. It is a compound of the type Avermectin, which is a fermented by-product of Streptomyces avermitilis. Bifidobacterium is a member of the same phylum as Streptomyces spp., suggesting it may have a symbiotic relation with Streptomyces. Decreased Bifidobacterium levels are observed in COVID-19 susceptibility states, including old […]

What Now? Recovering from a Tragic Mistake

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J.E. Lukach A covid vaccine injury protocol (second edition) This book is dedicated to all the victims of this massive deception – those who died too soon, too suddenly, too senselessly, whether young or old, not because they sought to do harm, but because they strived to do good – for themselves, for their families […]

Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson Share Early Treatment Protocol

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The earlier the treatment can be started after the start of the infection, the better and more rapid the recovery (as well as the reduction in the risk of spread/contagious period). This would mean that the patient should optimally start the treatment in the first 4 days of the infection and within five days of […]