Dirty Electricity

assorted electric cables

Dr. Bill Code MD, FRCPC Many of us are concerned about the health risks of EMFs and are trying to reduce our exposure to Wi-Fi radiation and cell towers. However, few of us are thinking of a somewhat similar problem caused by the electrical wires buried within almost every wall of our homes. At Canada […]

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

Signal Tower

Joel M. Moskowitz The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific […]

Effects of Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Radiation on Thyroid Glands and Hormones in Rattus Norvegicus Brain: An Analysis of Thyroid Function, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Monocarboxylate Transporter 8

phone, smartphone, sony

Hendra Zufry et al. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mobile phone electromagnetic radiation (MP‐EMR) on the thyroid glands and hormones in Rattus norvegicus brain in term of thyroid function, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) concentration. Forty rats were divided into different groups: control (without EMR […]

How FDA Spins the Science on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health Risks

Back View of an Elderly Woman Talking on the Phone

Suzanne Burdick The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims there’s not enough scientific evidence to link cellphone use to health problems — but according to Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, a toxicologist and epidemiologist, the FDA’s claim is untrue and misleading. … To support its statement — that “the weight of scientific evidence has not […]

Directed Energy Weapons

white and red light post during night time

GAO Directed energy weapons—such as lasers—use energy fired at the speed of light. These weapons can produce force that ranges from deterrent, to damaging, to destructive. Many countries, including the U.S., are researching their use. Because they use energy instead of bullets or missiles, directed energy weapons could be less expensive per shot and have […]

The Truth about LED Lightbulbs, It’s Not What You Think

lamp, light, hand

William S. Bathgate Building Biology Environmental Consultant William S. Bathgate discusses the downsides of LED lighting. That includes the hidden costs and the unhealthful high frequency dirty electricity. He has decades of experience in EMF radiation and its amelioration. Image: Fotorech @ Pixabay

17 Ways to Minimize Exposure to Dirty Electricity & EMFs

black flat screen tv turned on near black wooden coffee table

Lloyd Burrell Electricity was originally introduced to the mass population in the form of a long-lasting, practical light bulb by Edison. In just over a century, electricity has brought with it an incredible range of technological innovations. But this technological tale is not totally a happy one. While we lead more convenient lives, our modern- […]

Dirty Electricity: Invisible Role in the US Health Crisis?

Coffee Machine Near a Stove in the Kitchen

Richard Lear [A] dramatic rise in chronic disease, medical conditions and stress symptoms have arisen in the past thirty years in the US. Between 1990-2015 Americans experienced a surge of more than 400 million cases of just thirty-six fast growing germless chronic conditions. This calculates to about 1.3 cases of a new chronic condition per […]