Eight Repeatedly Documented Findings Each Show that EMF Safety Guidelines Do Not Predict Biological Effects and Are, therefore Fraudulent: The Consequences for Both Microwave Frequency Exposure and also 5G

Martin L. Pall Microsoft Word – SafetyGuidelineFraud4-2-2.docx ICNIRP, US FCC, EU and other EMF safety guidelines are all based on the assumption that average EMF intensities and average SAR can be used to predict biological effects and therefore safety. Eight different types of quantitative or qualitative data are analyzed here to determine whether these safety […]

A Review on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Reproductive System

Ali Asghari et al. Environmental factors, such as electromagnetic waves, induce biological and genetic effects. One of the most important physiological systems involved with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is the genital system. This paper reviews the effects of EMFs on human reproductive organs, female animals, fetus development and the importance of two types of natural antioxidants, […]

How Much is Safe?

Investigate Europe Is radiation from mobile technology dangerous? As the world is about to enter the 5G era, engineers, physicists, biologists and cancer doctors can look back at thousands of studies and calculations on health effects from radio frequency electromagnetic fields in the previous 2G and 3G technologies. But there is strong disagreement as to […]

Cell Phone Health Risk?

Allan H. Frey … The controversy over whether the technology poses a risk to human health is substantial. And while much of science could be considered controversial, what has, and is, happening in microwave research is not a routine scientific dispute. Concerns about the health risk of cell phones, confusion regarding the evidence for or […]

How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Industry Created Artificial Man Made Radioactive Heavy Metal Poisons and Ionizing Radiation Contamination of Foods, Drinks, Environment Via Food and Supplement Based Oral Chelation

yellow and black bio hazard signage

B. Blaylock Dr. Blaylock MD – How To Protect Yourself From Nuclear Industry Created Artificial Man Made Radioactive Heavy Metal Poisons And Ionizing Radiation Contamination Of Foods, Drinks, Environment Via Food And Supplement Based Oral Chelation _ A Green Road So will a medical doctor be able to help? Most doctors receive little or no […]

Fukushima Fallout – Some Radio-Protective Nutrients and Homeopathic Remedies

yellow and black house on brown grass field

Alan V. Schmukler There are numerous substances which are rumored to offer protection against radiation. However, in a situation like this, rumor is not sufficient. Therefore, you will find below a list of substances whose efficacy is backed by at least some research. This is not an exhaustive list, but it will get you in the ballpark. You may […]