Do Dietary Lectins Cause Disease?

David L. J. Freed The evidence is suggestive—and raises interesting possibilities for treatment. Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins present in most plants, especially seeds and tubers like cereals, potatoes, and beans. Until recently their main use was as histology and blood transfusion reagents, but in the past two decades we have realised that many lectins […]

Principles of Healthy Diets

The Weston A. Price Foundation When Dr. price analyzed the foods used by isolated peoples he found that, in comparison to the American diet of his day, they provided at least four times the water- soluble vitamins, calcium and other minerals, and at least TEN times the fat-soluble vitamins, from animal foods such as butter, […]

An Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa

man in gray hoodie and black pants holding brown cardboard box

Community Alliance for Global Justice/Agra watch, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Aftica (AFSA) Dear Bill Gates: You were recently featured commenting on the global state of agriculture and food insecurity, in a recent New York Times op-ed by David Wallace-Wells and also in an Associated Press article. It is your preferred high-tech solutions, including genetic […]

What’s Missing From Climate Debate

white and brown chicken in cage

Vandana Shiva/Navdanya International “The destabilisation of the Earth’s climate systems is the consequence of violating the ecological processes and cycles of the earth, violating the Rights of the Earth, Rights of Indigenous People, and the Rights of Future Generations. “Fossil fuels have driven how we grow our food and produce our clothing over the past […]

Protective Mechanism of Quercetin and Its Derivatives in Viral-induced Respiratory Illnesses

red and white onion bulbs

Wahyu Choirur Rizky et al. Globally, acute respiratory illnesses are the most commonly manifesting illness in all age group. The disease mostly affects the upper respiratory tract (URT) and is self-limiting. However, a small percentage progresses to lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). The most important causative agents of severe LRTIs are bacteria and viruses. Various […]

Four Myths about Pandemic Preparedness

People Holding A Poster Asking About Facts On Coronavirus

David Bell It seems unavoidable that those advocating for the current pandemic and preparedness agenda are intentionally misleading the public in order to achieve their aims. This explains why, in the background documents of the WHO, the World Bank, G20 and others, detailed cost-benefit analyses are avoided. The same absence of this basic requirement characterized […]

Time to Unmask the Truth

boy in black and red hoodie sitting on gray concrete floor during daytime

Eric Payne To be clear, the policy-grade data regarding masking for COVID-19 and influenza fail to show any protection against infection. If the Ontario CMOH has such data, he has not provided it. Yet the relentless messaging that masking our children is safe and effective persists. We are not allowed to question the global COVID […]